Things I did outdoors as a kid


Hey guys and welcome to a whole new segment! That’s right, I’m back! Sorry, I had to take a break for

a second. Did you know I was an odd kid? If my blog channel doesn’t already give you a hint, wait

till you hear all the stuff I did before I turned eighteen. If you ask me, I’m pretty sure it had to do with the way I was raised. You see, I was brought up in the most typical American home; a large two-story house equipped with a huge backyard surrounded by a white picket fence...

except the fence wasn’t white and it wasn’t a picket fence either. Heck, I don’t even know what a picket fence is. In fact, we had a wooden fence that we shared with about four other neighbors.

I guess my parents cared about my well-being, so they thought it would be a great idea if 

I had a huge backyard to play and run around in to my heart’s content. The backyard itself

had so many trees, so it was basically a forest. It looked almost like a scene

that came straight out of a fairy tale book. 

Speaking of neighbors (sorry, had to rave about my awesome backyard for a moment), there was this

one girl in my neighborhood who I was good friends with for some time. We basically grew up together

in the same place (and went to the same school, hung over at each other’s house a few times, etc).

At the time, it was convenient for both of us because we didn’t have to go that far to

search for friends because we had each other.

Well, this same girl and I also visited each other through the

backyard. Now, you might be thinking; how is that even possible?

Well, we did exactly what any other rational kids would do in this situation; we kicked the fence as many times as possible until a part of it came tumbling down. Hey, don’t look at me like that. It’s not like we had another choice. I was about four feet and five inches at the time. The fence was about five feet tall. This girl wasn’t that much taller than me, so neither of us could climb over the thing. Also, there was no hole or anything underneath the fence, so we couldn’t exactly crawl under it either.

Lucky for us though, the fence wasn’t that sturdy so it was simple to knock down. I mean it looked sturdy but that wasn’t the case. Remember, just because something looks sturdy, doesn’t mean it’s always built to perfection. At least, that’s how it was for us.  

But don't worry, no one got hurt or anything, at least not to the point where either of us broke a bone from accidentally kicking the fence too hard. I'm sure I got bruised, but that's about it. As a matter of fact, I don't recall breaking any bone in my body even when I first learned how to ride a bike and that event itself was brutal. I remember that time like it happened yesterday.

Now, keep in mind, I didn't know how to ride a two-wheeler bike until I was seventeen. I just never seemed ready because I couldn’t keep my balance. I know it’s silly, but my logic always told me if I couldn’t even stand on one foot, how can I ride a bike? However, I eventually thought it didn’t look as intimidating as I once thought, so I decided to give it a try.

Lucky for me, my parents had just bought two new bikes (one for me and one for my dad). It was a nice sunny day, so we decided to go to the park. I’ve always thought that riding a bike looked hard but, at that moment, I thought it looked like the most simple thing. So, I did what anyone else would do when learning how to ride a bike; I climbed on and pedaled as quick as I could. Everything was going great, I was doing fine when I realized I had to use the break. There was just one problem; I had no idea how. So, I did the second thing that anyone else would do; instead of breaking slowly, I jumped over the bike while holding onto the steering handle in an attempt to land on my feet. But of course, that’s not what happened. In fact, as soon as I jumped over the bike, I completely lost my grip on the steering handle and you can guess what happened next.

Instead of gracefully landing on my feet, I tipped the bike over and kept falling until there was a loud CRACK. Not only had I fallen off my bike and landed knee-first on the cold and hard concrete, but the bike also fell on me. To make matters worse, this happened about two more times until I learned how to properly ride the bike. Surprisingly, I walked just fine after that and I didn’t break any

bones that day. It did hurt though, pretty badly.

However, this doesn’t compare to the one time when I almost slammed my hand against a car door.

This happened when I was about nine years old and the only thing I remember was that my mom was driving us to a pharmacy (probably to pick up some medicine or something like that). Just as I got out,

I placed my hand just inside the car (because that was cool) and then shut the front door behind me while being completely unaware of where my hand was. That was when I (uncalmly) slammed my index finger. At first, I felt almost completely numb. I literally couldn’t feel anything until five minutes later and that’s when it hit me. I felt the most intense burning sensation that I’ve ever felt in my life at the time. I’m still surprised I didn’t even break one single bone in my hand after that. After we got home, my mom just gave me some cold water and then told me to soak my hand until it healed. Surprisingly, it worked and I didn’t even need a band-aid afterwards.

So, remember, go outside whenever you can. It’s good for you and it helps your physical

and mental health tremendously. Also, I know I mentioned this already, but if you want to send me your ideas for a new segment, my inbox on twitter is always open. Speaking of twitter, be sure to follow my social media. Alright, it's Danielle here. As always, I’ll be back with more content.

Until then, stay safe, everybody! Stay safe and keep reading!

Also, if you like my content and want to see more, you can now donate to my paypal. Thanks, everyone! Again, I hope you enjoyed my segment and I will see you all next time. Stay safe

and keep reading, everyone! Bye! 

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