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Opening scene: *My friends and I are staring intensely at the screen as Jake chases down another dragon-like being in Pandora*

Me: *nudges friend* “Hey”

Friend: *annoyed* “What?”

Me: “Hey”

Friend: “What?”

Me: “Hey”

Friend: “What??”

Me: “Have you seen this movie?”

Friend: *while eating popcorn* “No. I thought that’s why we’re here.”

Me: “You haven’t seen it?! It’s amazing! It’s like the single most amazing movie that’s ever been created on the face of this planet.”

Me: “It’s about this half-paralyzed guy who is promised the ability to walk if
he transforms himself into a blue alien, travel to this alternative dimension to gather information
from these other blue aliens then travel back to earth in order to save the world from an energy crisis."   

Me: *Rambles* “ Oh wait...that was a weren’t supposed to know that..” 

Avatar is one of those sci fi movies that are about aliens from an
alternate dimension. It’s basically about this guy (who can’t walk) is promised that he’ll be
able to walk again once he travels to this alternate dimension to get as much
information out of these aliens as possible and then travel back to earth. To say that this movie
freaked me out when I was a younger is an understatement. I was just about ready to run straight
out of the movie theatre with my hands in the air just because the aliens looked so... lifelike.
Other than that, the graphics seemed really cool! Also, whoever is reading this right now, do you
mind telling me what this movie's plot is supposed to be? It's been well more than a decade since its
initial release and the fact that I still don't know what the plot is concerns me. This could mean one of two

things; I either a) need to brush up on my summarizing skills or B) not worry about it because this movie
confuses me as much as anyone else.

I don't know what you guys think but I think it's the latter. If you have a different thought though, you can
leave a comment and I'll see if it aligns with mine..

Now, let's talk about Date Night and Spiderman: Far from home. If you’ve never seen Date Night, it’s basically about these two adults who go out on a date. Seems
normal, right? Well, it is. That is, until they get caught by a couple or two gang members or whoever for impersonation.
For the rest of the movie, they try to find this flash drive to return to the couple or two gang members or whoever so that they can make it back home safe and sound. I have several things to say about this movie. Okay, first of all, who in their right mind decides it would be a good idea to go out to a restaurant at
night in the middle of a crazy city for a date? Second, who decides it would be a good idea to not only go out on a date, but leave two kids at home with a babysittter,
only to get themselves in trouble with two of the strangest
boyfriend and girlfriend / gang members ever... on a date night? I know I haven't seen this movie in a while but geez, I never noticed how
many plot holes it has... I can't wait to watch it again! Who's with me?!

And the last movie on this list is Spiderman: Far from home. In the movie, Peter parker (Tom Holland) goes on a school field trip to Prague when he gets bombarded by a number of villains including one that looks alot like a tsnunami and another with an astronaut helmet. At first, Peter Parker and the gang fully believe that the tsunami is an actual villain until they find out that this guy is nothing more than just a projection and a part of a scheme that has been devised by the real villain. This is basically the full plot of the movie and then, by the end of the movie, MJ discovers Peter Parker’s secret identity before going on their first date. Personally, I feel like this one is pretty straightforward. The movie has a lot of heart and the plot is fairly predictable. There's just something I have to ask; how could they not tell whether it was a projection or the real thing? If you know, then go right ahead and leave a comment below.

Alright, that’s all I have for now. Thank you to all my lovely readers who took time to read my "movie review" segment. I haven’t done a segment quite like this before, so I’m interested to see what kind of comments I’ll get out of this one. If you have a request for a new post, then let me know in the comments and I’ll be sure to take it into consideration. Alright, well, that’s a wrap for today, I hope you guys have a wonderful week and I’ll be sure to keep you posted. Stay safe and keep reading!   

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