

Hey guys, and welcome to a whole new segment. In lieu of current events and whatever the

heck else has been happening around the world, I thought I would talk about elections… there’s not a

whole lot I have to talk about, really. I was never that into politics, to be honest. Growing up, I wasn’t the type of kid who would come home after school, turn on the tv, flip through a few channels until I came across either CNN, ABC, or NBC. I was mostly the type of kid who came home

to watch Nick or Disney, finish homework, then go to bed.

Now, obviously, times have changed since then and what I

will say, is that I’ve learned to appreciate politics. Like, really really

appreciate it. Like haven’t you seen the president

dance to the village people? That was a classic.

No but seriously though, I feel like this year’s election is going to be a close tie. In fact, if you asked

me to sum this year's election in a word or so, I'd have to say that it's been a pretty weird and

confusing year so far. That is all I have to say... for now. Hey, you guys are great! I have a cool

segment here tonight! I've got some future collabs on youtube coming up so don't go anywhere!

We'll be right back after this commercial break..

Annnd now the commercial break’s over! Welcome back to the segment! So, yeah, back to what I was saying- this year seemed like a pretty close tie in terms of everything that’s been going on around the world including here in the USA. And that includes everything from the hornets and toilet paper shortage to the pandemic.

Now, that's not to say we couldn't have had a grand adventure this year. At least, there weren't any adventures for me anyway because I did something more amazing and out of this world than just sitting at ho- Okay, fine, the only thing I've been doing was sitting at home, writing my blog. Don't mind me though because I'm talking about you. I'm talking about everyone who managed to get

away from home, that is.

That's right! I'm talking about everyone who decided to travel, take risks, and run into crowds no matter how many times the news tells you how unsafe it (might) be

You know, now that I think about it, that part is pretty confusing. If you think about it, we're all going out in public wearing masks. A mask is generally supposed to protect you against bacteria that can get inside your body through your nose and mouth. But if we're all wearing masks, the real question is "Couldn't we go back to school and work like before since we're technically protected?"

But then again, I guess that's another one of those good questions that we ask ourselves. I would rather just get vaccinated. It makes me glad that someone is coming up with a vaccine to get rid of this thing because once they do, I'll be the one of the first one in line to try it out.

I just hope the vaccine isn't like the swine flu. Many middle school kids are worried about covid, but when I was in middle school, we weren't worried about covid, we were worried about the swine flu. Some kids had to stay home and some came to class but eventually we all got vaccinated. The point is though, we didn't have to lock ourselves in our room because there was a virus going around. We were told to go to school and stay away from each other but that's about it.

Oh well, but then again, I guess the times are different even now. I hope you all are staying indoors as much as you can and staying safe as much as possible. Hopefully, a vaccine will come around and only then we'll be able to go wherever we went. Sorry that I made you guys wait so long for this one. I hope everyone has a fantastic and safe New Year's day celebration. Go ahead and celebrate everything that you've accomplished and overcame this year. As always, I'll be back with more content just for you guys. Until then, Stay safe and keep reading, everyone! Alright, that's a wrap for now, bye!

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