Random Finds


Alright guys, what I have before your very eyes is.. can I get a drum roll, please?

A bonus segment! But I’m sure you’ve already figured that out from the title. This segment is called Random finds. That’s right everyone, we’re gonna dive in and take a look at some of the weirdest, oddest, and strangest videos found on the internet. No, this is isn’t a whole new series. This is still a continuation of the previous segments. I just thought I’d show you what you’ve already seen, just in summary form. So, without further ado, here they are! The most random videos found on the internet!

Number one: Emu’s Pink Windmill Kids

The title says it all and so does Catrina’s face. No one can stop Catrina

Number two: How to visit people in their dreams

Searching through youtube during quarantine be like

Number three: Pokemon are EVIL

This is basically a video of a church pastor roasting Pokemon for three minutes

straight. The most amazing part about this video though, is that he manages to fit just about 

everything from demons and witchcraft to evil spirits within a three 

minute timespan

Number four: I love refrigerators

This video shows a guy as he walks down a store aisle and confesses how much he loves the refrigerators in

the store. I promise you guys that there is someone out there who loves you as much as

this man loves his refrigerators

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