School stories


Hey guys, and welcome to a new segment! So, as you might have already guessed from the title, this is going to be one interesting segment. College, drama, crazy parties, school field trips, etc. They make for some interesting stories, don't they? I know I usually talk about things that I did before I turned eighteen but I wanted to talk about something that happened (maybe) two or three years ago during the absolutely wonderful (Yes, I’m being completely sarcastic) time that I’ve spent away at university. Anyway, you know how I told you that this is a new segment and everything? Well, it is except for one part. You know about the part when I talked about how I almost got lost at an amusement park? Yup, that happened to me during university too which is why I'll leave that one out.

With that being said, let’s dive into the story (no pun intended). So this one is almost as unbelievable as the rest of the stories I’ve mentioned before. This one is about the time I almost fell into a waterfall (No, I’m not making it up and yes, this really almost happened to me). Now, before we begin, I’m sure you have alot of questions on your mind, one of which is how on earth did I even manage to find myself at a waterfall. Let me first say that this is a good question. Now, let me explain myself and say that my university was located in the mountains. This meant we were literally surrounded by waterfalls at every corner, so it wasn’t that hard to find one to visit.

Well, at one of these visits, my philosophy and religion club (Yes, I was really a part of this club at the time and yes, that’s really who I went with) thought it would be a good idea to not only visit a waterfall, but to literally take a long hike down this trail to get a better view. Now, okay, backup, I know that we’re barely three paragraphs into the story and there is already a lot to unpack. Let me clarify and say that this waterfall was located at practically the very bottom of this long and steep mountain trail that we were supposed to hike on... which sounds kind of ridiculous now that I say it out loud.

Now keep in mind, I’ve never been on a real hike before, so, being the naive freshman that I was, I naturally assumed we were going on a leisurely walk. I did not expected

to be holding on to ropes and tree branches.

I can’t tell you for sure how the hike was on the way down because 

nothing unusual actually happened. That is, until we hiked back up the trail.

Also, the trail wasn’t even flat. In fact, it was one of the steepest trails I’ve ever been on. I felt

like I was climbing a rock climbing wall because of just how steep the trail really was. 

Everything went fairly smoothly until we came across an even steeper part of the trail. That

was when I could feel a sense of panic settle in. Not only did I have a fear of heights, but as I glanced

over my shoulder, I noticed two things; one, the rest of the group behind my back and two, a stream of

water that seemed to fall endlessly from an abyss to the undoubtedly beautiful lake below.

While I darted my eyes between my back and the stream, I felt one foot of mine slip over an object. Well, that object happened to be a tree branch that I had stepped on to keep my balance. Luckily, I came prepared and knew what to do. I swung my right arm, grabbed hold of a tree branch and tried as much as I could to not look down. What happened next, you ask? I didn’t look down... at first. I just glanced over my shoulder, noticed the stream, and then looked down to realize

that if I slipped one more time, I would be toast.

Nevertheless, we still managed to make it safely back

in some way, shape, or form.

*Insert anxiety-provoking scenes from the hike here* 

So, a bit of an abrupt ending, I'll admit. I thought it'd be cool to share a story about some of the most haunted buildings from my university,

but which school doesn't have one? Also, I know I already made a segment about my grand

trip to Carowinds, so there's that. You can check that one out on School Trips.

Okay, guys. That’s all I have for now. I hope you enjoyed that and 

I’ll see you next month or so. Bye! Stay safe, everyone!

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